Author Sheet

Tobie PhotoTobie Hewitt
471 Chestnut Ridge Road
Rochester, New York 14624

As a spiritual girl in a physical world, Tobie Hewitt, Intuitive Consultant, has dedicated her life to helping others realize that they are spirits, embodied on this earth to learn from the experience, and that they do not need to fear the transition known as death. By spreading this awareness, she hopes to contribute to a more peaceful and cohesive world. She is a motivational speaker, spiritual teacher, and has authored several books, including:

Simple Gifts: Living a Spirited Life ( I see and talk with spirits. I am a conduit through which spirit has offered solace to the bereaved, hope to the hopeless, and guidance to the lost. As a psychic and a spiritual intuitive, I have proved to myself and others that there is more than what we can perceive with our five senses. And yet, each time I am able to contact a loved one who has passed over and given the bereaved factual and verifiable evidence of their survival, I am awed, and grateful that I am able to be of service to people on both sides of the veil.

Selected Review: “This book outlines 10 of the most fundamental elements for leading a fulfilling life while contributing to the fulfillment of others. Tobie shares her spiritual journey in a very quiet and composed, yet insightful way. Her experiences are our experiences and we all share these if we are aware and open to our environment. Several situations resonated with me and I felt a deep connection. I am looking forward to reading more by this author!”

Spiritual Core Strength ( ) presents ideas on how to acknowledge and strengthen one’s inner spiritual energy center to achieve a more peaceful and harmonious internal, home, work, school, and world environment. Through instruction and exercises, readers will become aware of tools they can utilize to cope with otherwise stressful and divisive situations in their lives. I am available for presentations that promote spiritual core strength.

Selected Review: “Thanks so much for the information and the opportunity. The exercises are great, and I know firsthand that meditation can change your life. Maybe not immediately, but stick with it!  . . . Just like stress reduction can make a single worker more productive, connecting entire workplace teams by spirit can decrease friction and increase team productivity and synergy. A harmonized whole is most assuredly more productive than a disconnected whole, and I bet business would like that idea. Thanks for the exercises and info!”

Select Media Coverage
Tobie Hewitt, Speaking with Spirit videos:
Sample clip of Spirit Communication presentation, based on Simple Gifts: Living a Spirited Life:
Regular radio guest on 100.5 The Drive, part of the iHeartRadio network.
Article in The Gates-Chili Post, October 24, 2012, by Colleen M. Farrell,
YNN “Haunts 2009,”

Please visit my website,, for information and links to my current projects and contact information to schedule presentations and individual readings.

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